Rearranging the shed

Back at the beginning of the year, I excitedly announced that I was planning to take my 1950s electromechanical telephone exchange camping with me at the Electromagnetic Field (EMF) festival.

I wrote up and submitted a proposal to the installations team, without really thinking through how I was going to do this. There are a lot of questions I need to answer before I get to site!

  • What state is the exchange in?
  • What faults do I need to fix on it?
  • What do I need to take with me?
  • How on earth am I going to get 150kg of 70 year old industrial electromechanical equipment out of my shed, and 100 miles up the road?

This video series intends to answer all those questions, and chart how I get from a pile of equipment at the back of my shed into a working installation on a festival site!

Every journey starts with a single step, or in this case about 2 hours of manual labour...

Part 1 starts at the beginning, with getting the exchange from the back of the shed to the front - and decoupling it from all its permanent wiring so I can start to make it into a standalone exhibit: